Cross-municipal Business Hubs

One of the strategic partners of the Danish Board of Business Development is the cross-municipal business hubs. Working together is essential when identifying and prioritising the potentials and initiatives of each region. On this page you can find the contact details of each business hub.

The regional parts of the strategy “Business Development in all of Denmark 2024-2027” have been developed in a strategic partnership between the Board and the cross-municipal business hubs, including the office on the island of Bornholm.

The board of each business hub comprise the regional partners of the Board and they will continue to be involved in the prioritisation of means for various initiatives which addresses the challenges and possibilities of each respective part of the country.

Contact information on the business hubs

Contact info

Main office

NOVI Science Park
Niels Jernes Vej 10
9220 Aalborg Øst

Branch office

Holgersgade 1
7900 Nykøbing Mors

Opening hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:00-16:00
Friday: 8:00-15:30
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Telephone: 70 21 08 08
Email: [email protected]

Contact info

Main office

Åbogade 15
8200 Aarhus N

Branch office

Herning department
Birk Centerpark 40
7400 Herning
Branch office
Horsens department
Banegårdsgade 2
8700 Horsens

Opening hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:00-16:00
Friday: 8.00 - 13.00
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Telephone.: 70 22 00 76
Email: [email protected]

Contact info

Business hub Southern Jutland

Billundvej 3
6500 Vojens
Telephone: 41 88 66 00
Email: [email protected]

Contact info

Business Hub Funen

Forskerparken 10 D/E
5230 Odense M
Telephone: 70 23 55 15
Email: [email protected]

Contact info

Business hub Zealand

Main office

Fulbyvej 15
4180 Sorø

Branch office

Rådhustorvet 4F
4760 Vordingborg
Telephone: 55 35 30 35
Email: [email protected]

Contact info

Main office

Fruebjergvej 3
2100 København Ø

Branch office

Krakasvej 17
3400 Hillerød
Telephone: 30 10 80 80
Email: [email protected]

Contact info

Business hub Bornholm in Rønne

Landemærket 26
3700 Rønne
Telephone: 30 10 80 80
Email: [email protected]

Business Development in all of Denmark 2024-2027

Read the strategy paper (in Danish)

Read the strategy in Danish (pdf)