Danish Board of Business Development

The establishment of the Danish Board of Business Development as of January 2019 is an initiative of the Danish government to unite the various efforts within the business promotion.

A decentralised effort for business growth and development in all of Denmark will ensure a more focused effort, e.g. by concentrating on the needs of the enterprises and regional differences. The Danish Board of Business Development is tasked with ensuring that decentralised business initiatives are coherent across different sectors – state and municipalities.

The establishment of the board is part of an effort to simplify the services available for businesses. This simplification focuses on four main areas:

  • High quality and availability in the business service must be provided. Cross-municipal Business Hubs have been established across municipalities along with a digital platform for the promotion of trade.
  • One coherent decentralised business promotion. The Board takes over the responsibility from the Regional Growth fora, and the efforts regarding clusters are strengthened.
  • Simplification of the business promotion on state level. Initiatives in knowledge-based entrepreneurship are strengthened.
  • Stronger tourist destinations and better coherence within the efforts of tourism.

The Danish Board of Business Development will contribute to making Denmark one of the most competitive countries in the world. All parts of the country must be prepared for global competition.

Board meetings will take place approx. four times a year, and the board will be supported by a secretariat in the Danish Business Authority.

The establishment and remedies of the Danish Board of Business Development appears from the Danish ”Business Promotion Act”, passed on December 13th, 2018.

Further information

Read more about the strategy "Business Development in all of Denmark 2024-2027" and the cross-municipal business hubs:


You can contact the secretariat of the Danish Board of Business Development here: